Jude has survived a whole term in the pool using Dermatitis Wizard Cream.  A swimming teacher, jude has developed an allergy to chlorine which caused hives, welts, severe, uncontrollable itching and folliculitis.  Applying the cream as a barrier before swimming and to moisturise after time in the pool, Jude has been able to control her allergy so she can contiinue to do what she loves: helping kids learn to swim and potentially saving their lives. Keep up the good work!
It shits me that organizations are more than willing to give away 31 million dollars to fund a study seeking to better understand skin infections associated with atopic dermatitis (eg. staphylococcus aureus) but all they were interested in when I told them about a treatment that clears the underlying condition (atopic dermatitis), therefore negating any posibility of having a (secondary) staphylococus aureus infection, was something along the lines of: "you can put a little ad in our publication for around a thousand dollars if you are interested".  I thought organizations dedicated to fighting these skin conditions would at least be mildly interested in helping their members and the rest of the people suffering from something they don't have to put up with anymore.
Congratulations, Annette.  Your skin looks Perfect.  Reading your testimonial and seeing the photos for the first time bought tears to my eyes.  I'm so grateful to be able to help wonderful people like you.  I think making a difference in other people's lives is what being here is all about.  It's one of the few things that truly matter.  Can't wait to see you again.
According to the National Eczema Association, clearing up an episode of this condition can take several months and because your hands are in constant use it is much more difficult to treat....  I disagree and so do my clients.
I believe that Dermatitis / Eczema on the hands is one of the easiest to treat and one of the fastest to heal.  S
imply by using Dermatitis Wizard Cream,  Rose-Marie had fingerprints back after only 3 days.  Annette's blistered and bleeding hands cleared within a week, revealing fresh, new, perfect skin.  My client in England cleared her left hand within a few days and her right within two weeks (she's right-handed).  My hands cleared in 3 days and Craig's mum cleared hers in a week.