We have a new Distributor on board.  A BIG Welcome to Judi... Helping people have Perfect skin. Hornsby to Brooklyn NSW.
Find contact details on our Distributor page.
Two more Dermatitis Wizard creams are on their way to Fiji.  PS: The cream is also really good for after-sun care.
Guess what? ...  Dermatitis Wizard cream is now working its magic effectively in Fiji and England !!!
Can't wait to see where the magic happens next !!!
Rose-Marie dropped by to show off her beautiful hands.  She no longer wears cotton gloves.  I love seeing the results people get... makes my day to see them so excited!
Dermatitis Wizard Cream is finally available.  Current distributors are Tracey Hawkins (Gold Coast & Brisbane), Nicci Irons (NSW Central Coast), Jacque McDonnell (NSW Central Coast).  Check us out on Facebook: Detox Delights -Central Coast.